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Honda RnD. California, 2019 - Present
I am an UX Researcher for physical and digital products, my job is to define and plan research to inform the development of new products. Some of my responsibilities are preparing participant recruiting criteria, interview guides, user surveys, competitive landscape analysis, prototype testing events, and distilling our findings into visual presentations to company leadership.
Isla Urbana - Mexico, Summer 2019
Conducted on-site interviews with the users of a rainwater harvesting system, and redesigned the system’s leaf filter based in insights from the research. New design simplified the filter’s maintenance and decreased water loss
ModRoof - India, Summer 2018
Conducted a field study observing the work of pre-installation teams for a modular roof. Prototyped a pre-installation roof-measuring method and tool. New design minimized scrap material and improved ease of installation
Smith College '19
High Honors B.S.
Engineering Science
UX Researcher Certificate '20'
Neilsen Norman Group